Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who is excited about Green Lantern Movie?

eh not really...ill have to tell my friend about that he LOVES the green lantern, he even has a tattoo!

Why do some people pepper thier conversation with meanless profanity?

Being the member of a Social Organization, I find it embarasing to be subjected to profane, trashy, or just plain filthy language in mixed company. This frequently happens at our partys, dances, or just gatherings where there is mixed company.

Who is Colin Powell to suggest what people should or should not listen to on the radio?

rush is not a spokesman for the republican party he's an entertainer and a handsomely paid one at that(40 mil at last contract signing)powell is still upset for rush questioning how a former general and then secretary of state could cut and run mid stream especially after making such a convincing argument to congress and the American people that iraq had wmd's(i know the libs will just blame Bush but all of the had the same information as did congress )so why would anyone listen to anything powell says-he's trashed his own reputation

Why is it when one is different and does not accept the doctrines of others such a one is a liar or stupid?

It's child's play. Little kids do this to one another to try to gain dominance in a group. They don't get the "leave childish things behind". I guess they thought it just meant their Barbies and Tonka Trucks.

Has anyone hired a ct limousine company such as Shady's Limousines?

found a few websites but nothing as detailed as Shady's and they've got some pretty decent reviews online. Anyone know much about this company?

If my dog wears a bandana, does that give him instant "park cred"?

Your dog is secretly part of one of the biggest underground pup gang rings in the world now. Your pup will soon be biting for treats and snarling for scraps, and there's not a thing that you can do about it, all because you tied a bandanna around his neck. Was your canine fashion statement really worth all that?

Culturually speaking why are?

I think we are all meant to mix one way or the other. In Europe long time ago, all cultures used to mix. Spaniards mixed with some Israelis, Northern Africans with Arabs. Italians with the Moors, and Mongolians with some Russians. It's just meant to happen. Now with all the technology everyone can connect with everyone and people learn about other cultures, and it wakes up their interest. What everyone wants is just to be happy. We are all in the pursuit of happiness.

Proponents of evolution- do miracles ever occur?

no everything follows the rules of nature in this universe and everything that happens can be explained no one denigrate you even though you think you are right it is in you mind and attitude that causes your problems read and understand what you read know what is a play on words and what is real don't lie to yourself and then you might just understand evolution and the laws of this universe and the fact there are no miracles.

Why do men all of a sudden stop calling?

yeah u can write back to him and say "go f@#$ urself". Do you notice he only contacts u when he just broke up with someone and feeling lonely? That's not true love, that's horniness! So go ahead and write him for some closure and start a new life wid ur current beau! Good luck!

Crazy reoccuring graphic messed up dream that needs interpretation?

Okay, so I'm sleeping and wake up to use the can hear a couple people outside the front door. Its pitch black so I grab my machete and wait in the staircase next to the door. The door actually unlocks itself somehow like they have a key. These freaking skinny tall aliens come cautiously walking in. I wait for the first to walk by me and chop the second one in the neck and then turn and the first one puts up its hand and I chop through at I chop its head off. I'm covered in black blood. I notice a weird device on one of their hands. I put it on and I can unlock stuff by thinking about it. I'm about to explore other uses for it when my roomate wakes up and walks in and sees the bloody corpses and then I wake up! What do you think it means?

What kind of person are you?

Some resemblance to a lively, extrovert, interested in a lot of things, some talents, some pleasant sort of hobbies, activities, mainly a few good friends, books, music, some compion and love -- all that and then a lot of confusion! i seem to know that i am not all that: i seem to imagine that i am getting closer to the answer, and so i seem to be happy! yes, i am kind of happy, that's what i am, a happy person! (thank you, thank you very much!)

Sagan said it was Christian Huygens who first realized the stars were distant suns, but no one else seems to?

I can't imagine Sagan would be careless about a statement like this, but I can't find any corroboration. What do you know?

Question about Therapist/Client relationship in psychotherapy ?

I have worked with a therapist for several years b/c of issues steming from my childhood. However towards the end of my therapy my therapist and I were having a disagreement over a matter. However, I felt that there was transference and counter-transference taking place so I brought it too her attention. I said I felt like she was being a parental in her sessions with me, ect. So, I told her I needed a break and evetually cancelled my follow up session with her. I feel like I need to bring closure to the therapy sessions. However, I really don't want to have a session. She's a great therapist but I'm done with therapy. What's a good way to bring closure to this situation.

How do you call functions for separate cles in C#?

I'll echo the comment that some indication of just what sort of error you're getting would help. Not a C# programmer, so have to wonder - are cl methods public by default in C#? If not, I'd think you'd have to declare Endgame public for Main to invoke it.

How do you ,bozo-ton celtics fans, feel when you heard a dead green wormy alien was discovered ....?

sticking out of your queer point guard , Rajon Rondo's hole after having with Paul "E.T" Perice?

Unstoppable evil force: Apocalypse, Onslaught, Galactus, Gladiator, and Vulcan. Who Agrees?

I think if this team of villains got together then the marvel universe would be pretty much screwed unless The One Above All stepped in...this is just from the back of my head while I was thinking


Lance B....for obvious reasons.....and if any of these HAD to happen? I'd pick Danny....I have a twisted sense of humor!!!!!! Love the new pic!

How can I deal with my depression and suicidal thoughts?

It all started about 2 years ago. I started getting grades below my parents expectation. Then last year I started getting C's. I tried harder and harder but I just can't understand the material. My parents are yelling at me constantly and are threatening to send me to another school or Asia even though I don't want to. I feel like I can't live up to their expectations of life. They always want me to be like my older sister who is an over achiever. I simply can't. Due to the way my parents talk to me, I feel like their lives would be a lot easier if I just ran away or killed myself. What can I do?

Is God punsihing the Archbishop of Constinpole?

As a Catholic, I am very reluctant to say anybody's misfortune is due to God's punishment. We never know when it will come home to bite us.

Why do Americans constantly bash socialist nations?

As a way to minimize the cognitive dissonance ociated with realizing that capitalism is not always successful.

Where to download twilight font (Zephyr) for free?

I reallly need the Zephyr font, and I know if you go to twilight fan sites you can get it for free, but i need the complete font with accent marks and such. (its for my french project, so I need all the symbols and things.) I know there's a place you can get it because I had it before and I got it for free, but it got deleted by accident and I can't remember what site I got it from :( Please help!!!! thanks.

How can I make my aunt buy me a car? a really good literally I told my dad if I can skip cl...i telll my dad everywhere I go...everybody in my familty tell me they wish they had me for a even get good grades and I have a job..i can't but I car because I have no 18 bd I just start working.. How can I ask her for a ford focus I really want? I don't want to say p" can I please have the car..i want to ssy something that will get her to thinking...

Help!!!! I need a psychotherapy tutor, teacher or lecturer to help me with this subject.?

I want help to understand this subject....i have been enrolled on this course by distance learning...and its really very difficult for me to study without any proper study material....I can't study this way all on my own. Its like an illiterate told to write an essay. Please is there anybody who could help me with this problem.....Could somebody Tutor me on this subject....Dont tell me to search on google or anywhere else as i had tried it at first and i have read a lot of articles.....books...videos....but nothing gave me the thing that i wanted for my course and ignments. I just need a tutor please somebody help me out...i'd be really thankful to them all of my life. Thanks in advance!!!!

Do you like this boy and girl name?

i love the name grace... just make sure you are prepared for ppl giving her heck for "faith" "grace" thing. Other then that.. i think you have chosen perfect names..

Chicago blacks are now calling Bill Clinton a "Racist" in supporting Rahm Emanuel vs their Black Candidate?

Is this crap going to stop within our lifetime....Should the press just ignore these attention seeking people?

Low Life Vandals Have Stolen the Veterans Cross in the Mojave Desert, Where Can I Make Donation to Rebuild?

That cross has been there in tribute to those who gave all in the World War One, now vandals have torn it down and carried it away, according to AP News reports. Does anyone know where I can send a donation to have it replaced? Just because it has been torn down, doesn't mean it has to stay 'torn down'. 7 times 70, it will be replaced. Anyone have a suggestion for donations?

I'm a little unsure, would you say this is odd behavior from my ex?

That IS weird. You need to have a talk with her teacher and if you are separated, you need to bring this up with the lawyer. I don't know if you have full custody but this is nutso. It seems most men don't mature much beyond age 13 these days - so goofy, nonsensical behavior is to be expected. You might speak with the social worker at the school. There needs to be some boundaries. While it's not unusual for a parent to volunteer to help out at a school function or occasionally meet their child for lunch, this is going to distract her from her social development. At age 10, she needs to spread her wings a bit more than this don't you think? I mean is she having problems with getting bullied and he thinks he is helping the situation? I don't know what the deal is - but you need to get to the bottom of it. Oh my goodness, is he having an affair with the teacher??? I just can't imagine that a teacher or even the principal and other staff would approve of this.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to "declare" HM Customs & Excise?

All importers have to delcare to HM Customs & Excise for bringing goods to UK or any other Europe countries, right? So, exactly how do we 'declare'? Is there a form specifically for that? Or, do we declare it by filling out all the forms for the custom duty and VAT?

I found something small on my?

pubic area. It's a small pimple like white head. I'm a virgin and I'm waiting till marriage. Pulse I'm very hygienic, so what could this be ? Should I change my boxers ? I had them for a year now.

Are there any criminal advocacy courses in Scotland?

I'm a criminal solicitor based in the central belt of Scotland. I'm keen to work on my advocacy skills, particularly cross examination in criminal trials. I can't find any courses in Scotland that might help.

Where is the nearest airport to Salisbury or Andover?

The nearest commercial airport to Andover is Southampton, the distance being 28.5 miles. Bournemouth (Hurn) Airport to Andover is 53 miles. However, the distance from Salisbury to both Southampton & Bournemouth Airports is exactly the same, 24.18 miles. If you are looking to land a private plane, there is, of course, an airfield at Thruxton which is 6.8miles from Andover or 16 miles from Salisbury.

What chapters are these quotes in To Kill a Mockingbird?

My Gentle Poster: Either you and the poster referred to as 'Demon' are one and the same or you both are attending cles engaged in the study of this marvelous novel. May I respectfully suggest that you read the time-honored pages?

What insturments are better?

I am thinking about quitting band, or change insturments if i do should i play flute piccolo or oboe help! Plz

Unmodded PS2 or 3 read burned PSX games?

Well, can I do it? And how? By the way, the game is slightly to big for a CD-R so it has to go on a DVD-R. The files that I downloaded for the game are a .CCR, .IMG, .CUE, and .SUB, if that matters.

In the Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief book, how would some demigods heal themselves like Percy did?

Hmm. I agree with the others about their ideas on Thalia. Maybe Beckendorf and the other guys from the Hephaestus cabin can heal themselves with fire? (uming that they don't burn themselves because their dad is the God of Fire) Perhaps the Apollo kids can soak themselves in sunlight? Aphrodite kids could just check themselves in the mirror (kidding XD )

What kind of hairstyle should I wear tonight? PLEASE HELP!?

I'm going to a Manhunt party. I just took a shower so my hair is damp. Not dripping wet, but not dry yet. I'm going to wear flip-flops, jeans (maybe shorts if I get sweaty), a t-shirt or a tank top, and a sweatshirt. I want my hair to be down or half-up, no ponytails or buns please. My hair is dirty blonde, mid-back length. Thanks!

Have you ever been so stressed, you don't even know where to start and you're just like uhhhh?

Yeah...heh a bit right now. I'm waiting for a prognosis for the medical issues I have....I'm quite worried about my future, and everything. I'm quite frightened...I don't know how my body's going to end up dealing with this disease. I found out today it's inevitable I'm going to end up in a wheelchair from this

Omg Im scared! testical cancer? :( help!!!!?

ook well i noticed a bump in my testicular like a month ago and I hoped maybe it would go away..well now it dubbled in size and it feels like a bunch of soft bumps(they all feel attached to eachother) were that cord in your m is. There is no pain at all... I havent noticed anything different about myself other than the lump(s). I noticed that my left testicle were the lumps are has seemed like it has gotten smaller than the other one... I herd that it might be testicular cancer.. im so ******* scared and now im stressed. what should I do.?? im only 13!!! what do you think? :(

I went back and revised it, tell me what you think?

It's pretty good. Although I'm not sure what the point of saying your name and then appearing at the top of a staircase is, ha.

Mest up life! help! please! oh please!?

8. Foot es are normal! most people are just insecure about them so they make them look bad to make themselves look good. I have one and i don't care what people think about it. Its just another way to express yourself with your girlfriend.

Where would you have to travel to first observe an easily recognizable change in the shape formed by stars?

As viewed from our location, the stars of the Big Dipper can be connected with imaginary lines to form the shape of a pot with a curved handle. To where would you have to travel to first observe an easily recognizable change in the shape formed by these stars (to an observer without a telescope)?

Why do orientals get mad when you mistake them for another nationality?

Japanese get mad when I mistake them for Chinese. They act like you are supposed to know what kind of oriental they are, but I don't see white, black or hispanics like that. In Canada most of the immigrants are asian, but in the census for race population instead of grouping them as asian, they are grouped based on their nationalities. They all look alike, speak languages that sound alike, and are pretty much the same. I feel offended, because they get the special treatment. I'm Somalian but people think I'm the same as a South African who speaks clicking language. We also have different history we weren't oppressed like the other Africans or treated like inferior. But whenever I get mistaked as another black I don't get mad. In Canada, all the whites and asians are given special treatment. Personally, I don't want to be identified with other africans, because we don't have the same history. My parents tell me that Italian colonizers used to fear us, and the british colonizers didn't cross the line with us like they did with other africans, so in a way being identified with other africans gets in the way with my somalian pride. I think white people have this attitude of " they're n*ggers they aint got no difference". I'm not the arrogant type I'm just saying. If one group of people is being generalized then why wont asians get the same treatment?


I guess this is my last resort. I live in Arizona, and I am covered by AHCCCS AP/IPA. I don't know whether this is a good insurance or not, and I don't really care. But I can not find ANY optometrists that take this insurance and I NEED to see one. It's been over 6 years since my last eye exam, and the gles I have don't work anymore, all they do is make my eyes hurt. My vision is slowly deteriorating and I need to see an OP soon. I have called every OP I could possibly find, I CALLED AHCCCS and it's affiliates, and the list of OP's they gave me... They don't exist anymore OR don't take AP/IPA. So I'm at a complete loss. Please, any Arizonans??? I've only been in the state for 6 months... I need the help. Please?

I think i am getting another hamster.i have questions?

i'm thinking of getting two hamsters.i had one but it died about 3 days ago and i want another hamster.i am thinking of getting robovoroski hamsters this time.(i had a golden hamster).i still have my old hamsters cage and the cage is new.for the robovoroski hamsters it will be plenty of room.(its a 24"Lx13"Wx14"H cage)should i get 2 females or 2 males.or 3 females or 3 males.i do not want to get a female and a male because then i would have a problem.also whats the average cost of them and where could i buy them?i live in burbank,california.should i get them from millenium pets(if you know that place)?

Are my the right size for my age?

i am 13 yrs old and my bra size is 38C..I kno its crazy but its true.Is this normal or should i be on Ripley's?! Lol =]

When will Heartstrings ep 8 be release?

please someone... i love the show... !!!!! can't wait... to watch ep 8.. but I heard that Park Shin Hye was in an accident... and can't go to the shooting.. does anyone know what had happened after that? and when will ep. 8 be release???? hope someone know the whole thing!!!

What's more earth friendly: using a mechanical pencil, plain pencil, or a pen?

I'm sure the effect would be so minuscule that it wouldn't matter, but I'm just curious or what is possible.

How Do I Cancel My Online Walmart Account?

I went online and made an online walmart account for buying items from the website. when i made the wishlist for later i was to create a primary recipient (me) and i DIDNT create a co-recipient. So when I try to add things to it i couldnt sign into my account because it requires a pin It was all changed my name was a capitalized and slightly spelled wrong and the co-reciepient was a ruben reyes ive never heard of this person i need to cancel it cause my name adress and phone number was required for the wishlist i want to cancel it before this reyes person messes with it even more !!!

Baby boy names/////////?

i want to name my baby boy a american muslim name any suggestions on first and middle names.or a bosnian african american name that's unique

When is enough, enough?

Wow! You are soooooooooo right! I couldnt have said it better mah self! Atleast i know there is one person out there that agrees with me. Many are a very selfish and conceeded. But God warns us of all of this.

Why is so nice? as i am curiouse and i really want to know?

people who have had it tell me it is great but i dont see how. im 17 and a virgin and i am curiouse to what it feels like and does it hurt??

I have a very troublesome neighbor who is collecting social security disability checks?

and I don't think she is disabled in the least. This woman is a twice divorced, kids from 2 different marriages, royal pain in the a** who moved into our apartment complex a few years ago. She is 45. She had a job long enough to get the landlord to give her a lease, then promptly claimed a back injury at work, collected workman's comp for awhile, and now is collecting social security disability. The situation is infuriating. She's driving around in an expensive car, drinking, smoking, doing drugs and has a revolving door of men going into her apartment with her young son living there. She makes constant trouble for me, my children, and some other neighbors. I feel like our government is just slapping the faces of those of us who are working, paying our own way, sober, and raising children in a moral household. My taxes go to support this train wreck? When is the governement going to stop this practice of disabilty claims for "back pain"?!! My back hurts too. Buck up!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is the distinction between morality and politeness an illusion?

Just remember when they say .. "YES" it really means "NO" and "NO" means "YES".

The Backyaragains what is Uniqua?

on nick jr the backyardagains....I can figure out all the characters..pablo a penguin... tyrone a moose...tasha a hippo,etc but what is uniqua?

When you are wearing these headphones do other people hear it to?

Here is the link to the headphones do they blair sound out of the headphones to people around me?

How fast will this modped go?

I have a 49cc vento triton li moped and i was wondering what its top speed is. the spedometer is digital so i cant tell

Why does michelle obama need so much help...and at the tax payers expense?

What the above answerers fail to tell you is that the number that Laura Bush had was for 8 years. When someone left and was replaced, her total was increased by one. Michelle Obama is starting out with the same number as Laura Bush had in total for 8 years. Add up Obama's total staffers and she will surp Bush after just a few years.

How many wins would this team get in National League MLB season?

I'm going to say 120 just because you put Murphy on there. I am a huge Braves fan and I hate that he can't get into the HOF.

Poll: Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp?

I agree with your Brad Pitt and Tyler Durden... Fight Club was an AMAZING movie. As for Johnny Depp... I choose his character Sam from the film Benny and Joon. Such a cute movie :)

Should i brake up with my boyfriend because he never has any money?

me and my boyfriend has been together for about a year and he had two jobs and was playin football. nowe he hads lost both of his jobs at different times and now he is in and out of jobs now. i didn't want to leave him cause i wanted to be there for him when nobody elese was and now it has started to annoy mre that everytime we go somewhere i have to pay for everything but i didn't mind at first but now he's in asnd out of jobs and he just never has any money now and i can't do nothin wit him he ca't evn take me out only sometimes when he do get some money but thats not enough and i'm sick of him i don't really wat to be with him anymore i want someone eles. Not because of money cause thats particial i just want somebody elese.

Omni Hotel International Canada,job vacancy are fraud or not?

It's a scam don't give them any personal info like your name,last name,your address and phone number.

In Christianity, who originally decided what was heresy and wasn't?

And since no one alive after the end of the apostolic age can have possibly been present at events that occured during Jesus' life that "authorities" are supposedly guarding from heresy.. how can anyone accuse anyone else of heresy for their differing beliefs? Why was the early Church so obsessed with quashing all other sects of early Christianity..?

Square Footage Question?

When I’m looking at a posting of a house, does the Sq. Ft include the garage? If it does, does it matter if the garage is attached or unattached?

Why can't people accept the verdict in the Anthony trial?

I don't watch Television or Listen to the radio, nor do I read the news. From what LITTLE I've gathered, she was negligent and stupid. Unfortunately these are not crimes in the United States, but rather the Standard.

Life is to hard for me. I have lost my child by his choice, just found out I will be out of a job at the end o?

of this month I will be without a job, I am friendless and with out any family. I trust and believe in God but, not sure why things keep getting worst. I am exhausted, what do I do. Close to wanting to give up. Help

Who is right in this argument?

Long story short, my mom doesn't trust anyone. My step-dad wants to spend Thanksgiving with his only daughter and granddaughter, but it would have to be with his ex-wife as well (they are really good friends, nothing more). My mom has six kids, and over fifteen grandchildren. She wants him to spend Thanksgiving with our family. He would love for us to spend Thanksgiving with his daughter and their family, but his ex-wife does not want to meet my mother (for whatever reason). Anyway, so he was going to spend Thanksgiving Day with his daughter and that group (he'd leave that morning, be back before dark), but my mom is having a hissy fit over it, saying that he's not right, and that her family would never do that to him. My mom goes to see her kids all of the time (my step-dad hardly ever sees his daughter), and I think she's being a total hypocrite. I'm caught in the middle.. help !

What's your favorite band that is current...meaning, they have put out a record in the last 4 years?

I love Chevelle,but Coldplay is unbeatable. I don't know. For me, it would be a tie between the two.

Worth going to my doctor?

it might be something serious idk what for sure but could be so better be safe than sorry no? i say see your doc

Why do church not know John the Baptiser's first appearance on earth was as Zarathustra, so well qualified

Jesus was both Messiah, priest and king. John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus, it is well doented in the Bible that he leaped in his mother's womb at the sound of Jesus' mother's voice.

How does a platypus affect its environment?

It digs burrows along the shores of freshwater creeks, rivers, lakes and streams in eastern Australia. It uses twigs, reeds, leaves and dirt to make protective walls for its nest.

Die Hard Fans?

I am a die-hard Miami Dolphin, and Philadelphia 76ers fan. This may seem like a weird combo, but I live in Philly but grew up in Miami. I am decently young and have not seen either the Dolphins or the Sixers win their respectable title. Whether it be the painful 63-7 loss in Marino's final game, or the best time of my life watching Iverson single handedly take the Sixers to the finals in the most unlikely season in NBA history. My question to all you is: Has anyone else had to suffer year in and year out without their favorite team win a title. I'm not talking about fans who kinda watch sports, I'm talking fans who live and die with every game. Whether their favorite team wins decides their happiness for that week. I feel like I'm the only one who has to live with this, and how can a team like the Lakers and Pats do it 3 out of 4 years and such. How is this fair??

Can you be located thru your IP address if you use prepaid internet cards or wifi?

Using prepaid wireless most likely you are going to be traced by your name yeah. Anyway they still know even your mac address that never changes, they can find out your location like room number and name igned to that room. Static IPs have ranges and they log them so they'll know who was using what IP and when.

Babies and children in the backseat law....?

I'm not sure if your brother and sister in law's decapitation story is completely true but, it is safer for kids to be in the back seat. Air bags were designed for adults, and kids under 4 foot 9 in. need to be in the back with a booster seat because, the airbags could kill or seriously injure them. Hope that helped. Just FYI I agree I think the driver looking back to deal with the kids is more dangerous.

Is this really the bar in Van Gogh's painting?

Yes, that's the place, but it would not necessarily have been yellow at the time Van Gogh painted it. The yellow in his painting is his interpretation of the color thrown by the caf�'s artificial lighting at nighttime, not the actual color of the building. I think the old caf� was renovated in the early 1990's to look more like the painting, and it may have been painted yellow at that time.

Question about dating........?

I'll be seeing someone this coming weekend, but the thing is that she is a close friend of someone who I use to see before. Things didnt really turn out well with that girl. Im not really sure what the end result would be, Im just wondering what would her reaction be once she learned that I dated her friend. Just want to ask your predictions of what may transpire after, let us say if me and the other girl clicked?

Help i need my phone back?

ok i was messing around with my phone its a samsung touch screen and i locked it by mistake so the puk code came up dont know it so i kept pressing in numbers tryin to get it and now its totally blocked can u give me a number for customer care i switched on my phone and it wont even go to the menu it only lets me make emergancy calls i need my phone help i dont want to buy a new sim card or new phone if u have a code i can use or a number to ring

Monday, August 15, 2011

How do I become a famous actress?

ok disney channel is a long shot if your not close to where they do casting. your gonna have wait for them to do nation wide castings in the meantime look for local stuff around your area and build yourself a acting history.

What do you think of my writing? (It's short, it'll take you 2.5 seconds max to read)?

Needs a thorough proofreading, but I like the tone. You've got more potential than you should for someone posting his/her story for criticism on Yahoo! Answers. Avoid giving too many examples of exactly Lindsey's a nerd, though. Let her actions speak for themselves :)

Where can I get the most website for the least money?

Check, it's not exactly what you are asking for but we offer up to 35 minutes of your film streamed for free. We are also working on a system that will push our member's films to various distribution platforms, it's coming soon.

Women only!! I want you all to go to your purses and list everything you have in there and I mean everything.?

I don't care how embarring. I don't carry a purse. I carry a suitcase. so, you have nothing to be embarred about. Divulge everything. don't leave anything out as long as it's in there.okay, go ahead and dump it on the bed!!!

Bladder cancer -- why can't someone swallow?

Your grandfather might have reached Stage IV -- Cancer has spread to regional lymph nodes or to distant sites (metastatic disease). Cancer of the throat or larynx may cause difficulty in swallowing.

Chicken egg question?

Hi, 22 days ago a started incubating my fertile chicken eggs.They didn't hatch at the proper due date.It's already the 22nd day and they haven't hatched.Are they ?

Do you ever dream about someone you would never..?

I had a dream where I had fantastic amazing s e x with this co-worker who had a wife and 3 kids and the wife was special needs and I would NEVER do that but yet I o r e gas emmed over it! It totally was unrealistic and the scenario was totally dreamscape, like no real was like, there we were banging and hopping like teleporters to different locations and doing it there...I couldnt look at him for a few days and I am glad that he no longer works here, it was just funny/weird...I mean I bought girlscout cookies from them!!! hehe.

Hauling a fridge/freezer on its side?

Fridges and freezers can be transported in any orientation, but if it's moved in any fashion other than the upright operating position, you should wait 24 hours for the refrigerant and lubricant to sediment as they're intended to be before operating.

Answer to Groundhog regarding my puppy?

Thank you for your reply about my puppy. Unfortunately he was put to sleep this afternoon as it would appear he had a congenital liver fault which if we even thought of having operated on would only have extended his life for a short time; plus he would have been on medication for life. Not much of a quality of life.

Briggs & Stratton Model 130202 Type 0523-01, Does it have a points and condensor or just a magneto?

I picked this rototiller up from a yard sale and there is no spark going to the spark plug or the lead that attaches to the spark plug. This motor has been sitting for years the owner said so I wonder if the magneto is shot. I sanded the magnet on the flywheel to get the rust off. It still has a lot of magnetic pull. Thanks

Was there a PSA featuring the cast of Cats?

I seem to remember a PSA on using seat belts featuring the cast of Cats. (The Broadway Play.) It featured Old Deuteronomy saying "No one wants a child to become a memory." Anyone else remember it?

Temperance Movement?

What is the significance of this movement? Also, besides the WCTU, were there any other really important groups?

How come everyone is so closed minded?

yes thats true. and you cant even spell nager with two g's becuase its too close to another word and one of my answers was deleted because i used the word p*nis

What cles should I take in highschool in order to become a nurse anesthetist ?

I'm going into my freshman year so far I've taken gym Spanish and algebra what other cles should I take especially my freshman year in order to prepare me for nursing school and a career in anesthesia

9 weeks pregnant and shaking like a leaf.?

i just got up and started shaking im not feeling faint just sort of out of it and shaky. I'm even stuttering a bit. i just ate some smores. and had some water so its not low blood sugar. i had a bit higher then normal blood pressure last time i was at the doctor. with my last pregnancy i had preeclampsia and had to have a c-section. is it possible that i could be getting it again? and so early? or if not what else could it be?

German speakers, I need help with a translation?

Selbstverst�ndlich means natural, or taken for granted. With the -es at the end it just describes the 'etwas'. The sentence would mean ' To lose something as natural as her eyesight, has changed a lot in her life."

How much will I lose 600 cals per day for nine weeks?

here's the problem with not eating alot. if you don't eat much, your body's energy level to burn calories is weaker. you would lose more (healthy) weight if you had just a little less food. also, you should drink more water to fill you up.

Homicidal thoughts about this kid in my school?

I have had it with this kid at my school. He goes around spreading rumors about me and he goes out of his way to make my life miserable. I want him hurt. I want to hit him in the face so bad. However my conscience always holds me back and I end up hitting MYSELF in the head with a book or a piece of wood. What should I do? I can only turn my head so many times. No matter what the teachers do, he wont stop ruining my life. What do I do?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Egypt: Please translate....?

well ya that's mainly why i don't tell my parents when i feel depressed or bothered or even in pain..they worry too much about me if i tell them anything and i end up feeling worse 3lshan zawadt hamohom hameen, so i just shut up! idk .. he loves you that's why! i mean everything is going to be alright .. If talking to him makes you feel better, then just do it..he might advice you to do smth to help etc.

Fire Extinguisher ?

So I had to use an old fire extinguisher, I was facing it and the wind blowing the opposite direction, so long story short I breathed in a pretty big plume of the stuff. So, my question is, am I in any danger/ is that stuff really bad for you?

A woodpecker is pecking holes into our cedar siding. is there anything that we can do to keep him away?

The front of our house is cedar. and there is a woodpecker that sits and pecks holes into it. it wasn't to bad a first but now he has gotten into the inside and is pulling insulation out. what can we do to keep the woodpecker away? HELP!!!! and has this happened to anyone else?

For those of you that say: Jesus loves you to a sinner.........what do you do with Romans 9:13???

He hated Esau's actions, not Esau personally! We can all become members of His Church by following what is written in Acts 2:38! The Epistles were written to his Church. The Church is the only thing that is predestined. We have a choice to obey what is written or not. This will determine if we are in His Church. Free will plays a big part in this.

If you have a gas stove and crappy insulated house what temp would you keep it at?

My roomie & I are fighting a bit over the thermostat. In the winter, all the cold air comes in our apt. When it's 74, it feels like nothing.. If anyone else has a situation like this I'd appreciate your feedback! :)

WHAT is this song??? 10 POINTS?

i was listenin to the radio and the only lyrics i remember were sumthin like "you make me feel this way, i still feel the same", something like that. It was on a rock radio station, and the singer sounded kinda like the dude off of Creed

Using drugstore gles?

Hi there, quick question. I just lost my prescribed gles at a hotel and was wondering if I could substitute drugstore reading gles for about a week? I normally don't wear my gles a lot just about once or twice a day. I'm nearsighted and I think my vision is -1.50.

Who is your favourite man in TopGear?

I love it when Jeremy and hamster gang up on James and pick on him for being slow...they're hilarious!

Does Dairyland treat there cows humanely?

I've all ways thought that vegans went a little over board, but now that I've watched some videos of how cows, even just dairy cows, are treated, I see that they very much have a point. I am a vegetarian right now, but I don't think I can give up dairy right away. I do want to make sure that the dairy I consume comes humane farms. If Dairyland does not treat there cows humanely, could you tell me of some milk brands that do?

How do I get out of " dream land " in vault 112 on fallout3?

activate the items in this order: the radio, the pitcher, the gnome, the pitcher again, the block, the gnome again and finally the bottle. Then a portal of something opens.

Whats wrong with me what do i do............?

Nothing seems to be going right for me anymore. Ever since i left my hometown for a different school in the middle of my junior year of highschool everythings changed. I used to have a good number of friends decent grades and well not anymore this is 2 years later i am now in my freshman year of college. I flunked every single cl in my 1st semester and 2nd semester. My counselor told me I wasn't going to graduate. I didn't have any friends for that whole year. I was gaining weight I attempted suicide. My senior year of highschool things got a lil better I worked my *** off and I was going to graduate...I had made some friends got my first gf.....lasted about a week but my confidence went up. Me and her stayed friends.....she was sending naked pictures to older guys around 25+ and she was 16 I asked her about it. She told the school I was haring her and I was just looking out for her....she told the school she wasn't comfortable being at the school with me there. My friends stop hanging out with me as much because they were friends with her also. They started avoiding me and I started hanging out by myself again. The school guy just asked me to stay away from her and not say anything to her or talk about her I said no problem. I did what he asked. then out of nowhere 3 months later after me pretty much ignoring the fact that she was in existence. she called the cops on me saying i was haring her. they threatened to arrest me on a misdeamenor on her didnt' end up happening i ended up leaving that school the very next day and went back to my old school and lived with my grandma...till the end of the school year. I hung out with my old friends things were going great I was getting back in shape i was hanging out with friends every day. then i had a new friend over the house.....I went to take a shower and well the next day my grandma talked to me because she said there was money missing. my well not friend anymore stole 200 dollars from her and I never saw him again. And to this day she believes I took it. my dad believed i took it my mom didn't though. and no i didn't take it.... didn't do much over the summer. During the fall i went to college and i had also enlisted into the marines. I was 2 months in and they found out about some health problems I lied about. I am no longer allowed in the military.... my friends from my old school no longer hang out with me I have no friends in the town i currentely live in. My dad kicked me out of the house because I didn't want to go to church. my mom brought me back. They almost got a divorce but i convinced my mother not to. Because it would of upset her. ever since coming back from bootcamp after being discharged I haven't gone out in almost 4 months now well with friends.. because I dont have any at all. im going to school again. I'm outgoing I talk to people Im not awkward around people. I haven't kissed a girl in a while. I just dont know what to do anymore every decent decision i seem to make blows up in my face....right now im going to school to be a english teacher. im 19 now. still friendless im not overweight or anything Im very well hygiened I dress nice Im in good shape. Im not that shy. I walk with confidence even though i dont have a lot to be confident about. I hold the doors up for people. I give people money for the bus fare when they need it. I talk to people Im very friendly Im a decent looking guy i believe. I just can't seem to make any friends or the right decisions.... its starting to get to me. I'm finding myself upset more and its making it harder for me to walk with my head up high. I dont want to make my parents or any relatives worry. But i dont know what to do anymore....someone help plz...

How will i find him?

where can you find names of people with some infos about them or even e-mail ads in the internet? specifically south koreans. do they have their own myspace? then what is it? pls i really need to contact this certain person and i just don know how. he's a south korean.

Whats a cool, unique name for a dance tent and comedy tent?

This is for a party i'm having. The theme is sasquatch/cavemen/weird animal beastly creatures. So we already have names like wookie and yeti. Please help! thanks!! =D

POLL:: If you were a fictional character, who would you be or want to be?

batman? superman? spiderman? catwoman? storm? mystique? wolverine? genie? jafar? prince charming? snow-white? jason? joker? oh my! so many!!....

On GH why was georgie killed off?

They also killed off Emily. I think the writers get bored and need something 'big' to happen. It's stupid though because they have ghost walking around. And thats crazy and so unrealistic.

Why isn't the FBI getting involved in Los Angeles, where 200 blacks have been murdered by ethnic cleansers

Mexican gangs have murdered 200 blacks to "ethnically cleanse" their neighborhoods. Why aren't the federal government, the media, and the race hustlers scrambling to the scene!!??

Are there any nice hotels near the Pomona fairplex?

I'm making plans to eat at the Coco Palms then head to the Puddingstone Hot Tubs... Are there any hotels near by?? I'm having trouble finding one near by... Thanks for your help!

Was michael jackson in any tv movies?

I heard that he was in one named switch at birth but KGB says no he was not in that movie . Is that true or not ?

Cod5 multiplayer glitch!?

my cod 5 multiplayer is glitched and I have nonclue why... it has nothing to do with mods or just randomly can't play multiplayer any info related to helping is appreciated.

What do you think of the name Veronica Daniella?

I like Veronica, but the whole thing together is a mouthful. Plus, the initials V.D. make me think of "venereal disease." Probably not what you want people to think when you tell them your kid's name.

What should I get my best friend of 12 years for her birthday?

oh at first i thought it read 'what should i get my best friend for her 12th birthday'.. so ya but iTunes cards always works. just go for $25...but if its been 12 years then maybe $30-even 40 actually and then a lil somethin else on the side

Enable visitors to feed what kind of animal from a platform?

Beginning in Spring 2007, the Baltimore Zoo added a new feeding station in the Harold & Selma Taylor African Journey that will enable visitors to feed what kind of animal from a platform?

How many times must feminists reinvent themselves?

They will continue to re-invent themselves, while blaming you for not understanding what in the hell they are trying to accomplish. They don't really understand what they want, but know what they are against, men and religion.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why do people have toes?

As above^^ Random question I know but is there a proper reason for it other than a secondary way of writing encase you lose your hands :P

How to get a sedative like diazepam or lorazepam prescribed by my doctor?

anxiety or sleep deprevation.say your having fits of panic attacks. when you say about the anxiety, make sure you say what kind it is e.g. social anxiety, so you know what triggers it but some situations are unavoidable. whatever you say do not say you take/abuse drugs

How to make someone fall in love with you? I would like tips on how to make someone fall for me? Help?

I have a situation. I met someone a month or two ago. All was fine for me until a week ago and then I fell. lol... I told them, that was my first mistake, admitting I had feelings. He said he didnt feel the same. Although there seemed to be alot of pion etc. Is there anyway to remain in his life at a distance and yet still flirt or pique his interest more? I would love any and all help from the community. New to dating here so not really sure what I am doing yet. Its only been a few days since they found out I had feelings and now they hardly call at all. I would like to salvage at least a good foundation for a friendship, to say the least. Ok look forward to hearing back any feedback. Thanks a million everone!!!

Who do I call to report defamation and harment on Craigslist Rant /raves section in chicago?

Ok im just a stay at home mom but I go and look at what people post in rants/raves section in the chicago part of craigslist ONCE in a while. Someone keeps posting this guy's whole name, first and last, and his town, and says the guy is a ual predator ONLINE. I'm getting sick and tired of these people accusing and defaming someone. Innocent or guilty, you don't type someone's name on there. Then me mrs. peabody tries to do something about it and all I get from Craigslist is an automatic response after I have copy and pasted two things the people have posted. It says to call your local police. Then I call that guy's police department from his town and I get transferred to the "records" department and I leave a message there with some lady's vmail. Did anyone ever try to good for the world and the world just **** right back in your face? Just so you know I called Craigslist and all I get is this recording and I click "o" for operator and I eventually got hung up on. I think Craigslist needs to be revamped, you can type someones information on there and no one gives a damn. All Im getting are dead ends!!!

Winning eBay bidder has no money?

First pay pal doesn't work for him, then he says he has no money and that he wont get paid until next week. I don't know why this guy bidded on my item if he he has no money...what a pain. How do I get rid of this bozo and go to the next bidder without getting a bad review.

Is this reason good enough not to get married?

Avoiding marriage and what it can bring to you is not the answer. You need to get yourself treated for your own abuse. You need to rebuild your confidence, learn that you are worth more than you think. Do not worry about what others think of you. They do not matter.

Why is Osama wanted for bombings in Tanzania but not for 9-11?

The FBI's wanted page says he's wanted for the 1998 bombings of an emby in Tanzania but doesn't mention anything about 9-11. Why did they give the impression he was ociated with 9-11 when he's never admitted it and why are we in Afghanistan post 9-11 looking for him there when he has nothing to do with 9-11? Why wasn't he wanted 1998-2001 and now there's a $25 mil reward for his capture post 9-11 yet he's not charged for 9-11?

Does your wingspan show your potential height?

I just turned 15 a month ago and I'm about 6'3.. And I have a wingspan of 6'6 1/2.. Us that an indication of how tall I might be ?

Name of popular piano song often played on the radio?

yeah, thats very very confusing lol. my only guess would maybe be ben folds? try youtubing that and listen to a few and see if you get it.

Can i drink whilst being on penicillin VK?

I've had tonsillitis this week and next tuesday i will be my last day of taking the antibiotic, if i drink a small amount will it reverse the affect of the treatment? Or will it be okay because its the last day of it? Thank you :)

Can you use epoxy 20 to seal a leak on an engin cooling system?

I stripped out the temp sensor on my car. I epoxied a new one in place and it hasn't leaked in the 8 years its been epoxied.

What do you think of Vinnie now?

He said very early on that the only reason he came on BB was to show the public he was a `nice person` and he was tired of being vilified for the last 20 years. Well it has`nt worked, in fact it has only strengthened the fact he was a bully on the pitch, a bully in his films (no need to act) and a bully on BB. He seems to be making it his vocation in his stupid remarks to Alex. Bet he was the school bully too. Oh how I pray he is left with egg on his face and thrown out on Wednesday, or Friday. He brags, boasts and belittle`s the housemates. His head is so far up his @x*@ he can`t see what a plonker he`s making of himself.

Does everyone realize that the President CAN'T go on vacation with our tax dollars?

Um....actually, you're wrong. When he goes, he flies on Air Force One...which tax dollars pay for. And, he's protected by Secret Service....which our tax dollars pay for. And his armored vehicles are flown to where he is...which, guess who pays for...

How can I have a y body??? 15 vvv?

Dont build fat, build muscle! Im not talking body builder muscles, but yoga will tone your body, and cardio like bike riding and swimming will add lean muscle, those victoria secret models and nfl cheerleaders work for those bodys. Good luck <3

Hehehe a soccer hooligan?

poor bure! thoughts? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who wants to congratulate the US Airways Pilot?

I most certainly congratulate him, that was one of the most amazing landings I have ever seen. He is one of the best in the industry and if it were a different pilot the result may have been different. As a pilot I don't know if I would be able to do what he did, we are trained, but landing a plane in a river is not something that every pilot has to do.

What do you you think of this name?

I like the name. It makes you seem like your your own person and your not trying to just pick a common name. Plus later in life there will be a confusing aspect of about a thousand Isabelle's and Isabel's.

How do you like these French baby girl names Part 1 (if you like it, add me to contacts for part 2)?

My favorites are Amelie, Corinne, Cosette, and Gisele. Adrienne, Celeste, and Jacqueline are ok. I don't care for the others.

In what time of the year should I get my parrot?

I am getting a parrot soon. hopefully. my mom thinks I should get one after being in my tenth grade year for three weeks. I think I should get my parrot during the summer. Then I can develop a relationship with him then start going to school. I am not going on any vacations this year that last more than 3 days. I am very responsible, and will be getting a senegal parrot. What should I do?

Spice & Rum Muffins! HELP!!!?

Sounds similiar to an apple cinnamon muffin we used to make, with a brown sugar topping...only they've added real rum to the topping.


on my 98 mitsubishi montero the brake light stays on and doesn't want to go away, do i have something wrong with my ABS or brakes?

Jews - According to your sacred Talmud: Sodomising a boy aged THREE incurs no guilt - Does this still stand?

How the fcuk are you a TC in ANYTHING? Oh, voting for your own answers probably.. And you think Jews are greedy...

Bitten by a black spider and afraid of the venom?

I was dusting Mr. Hugh's dusty library and drawers, and saw a little black box inside a little compartment, all the way inside the a little box, attached to the drawer..well, I opened it and OUT came a black bit me and in the box there were these words in latin or greek? it read Bitens den maiden Mr. Hugh traps tem end amour le bitens les lipses..any clue what that could, I am hurt.

How can get phd in stellar physics, l live in Iraq?

my work are focused on nuclear fusion reaction in the star, and on the process of providing this energy. Where the sun undergoes major changes in its structure, which can calculating by using a solar model means the determination of density, pressure, temperature and luminosity as a function of m or radius through hydrogen burning because most of the energy is released by the conversion of hydrogen into helium, using Fortran-77 program.

Does it sound like I could go anywhere with this story?

I really like it - it makes sense. My best friend started cutting over comments made on Formspring. People called her fat and she's a twig, they said she couldn't dance and she's the head of the ballet cl.

If you could step inside the life of one of your contacts for one hour...?

I would step into the life of my other half, blackened heart. Living his life would help me to understand him better, and possibly allow me to gather some dirt on him : D

Thoughts on Adrian Beltre? He has a 6 rbi night?

He had a great night. Nothing special about that. Frankly, I am only shocked in the sense that he's been an underachiever his entire career and once in a while he actually has a decent season. I wonder if it's a contract year? I'm willing to bet money it is.

Many s are disappointed in Shania Twain for her waistline. What do you think? Do the s have a point?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need a name for my prayer group?

I have set a group, that intercedes for the youth in my churhc, and i want you to help me name that group.thank you

Good campin in Southern California?

i need a place to camp...for about 8 people.... a place where you can drink with good atmpsphere.. where you are not that close to other people camping... IN THE INLAND EMPIRE AREA>.... san bernardino county and riverside county.... websites would help... any info .. thanks

Help with tattoo placement?

I'm going to get my tattoo on Saturday and I know that I want it under my collar bone, but I'm not sure if I should get it on the right side or the left side. I'm totally for this whole equal-thing, like I currently have a tattoo on my left wrist, so it would make sense to put it under my right clavicle, but I eventually plan on getting another tattoo on my right wrist. I guess it's all based on what the person likes best, but I have no clue.. someone help me? lol

Used Car Ex. Warranty?

I am looking to buy a used car with an extended warranty. The used dealership offers the same warranty as the car's (Land Rover) dealership. Except for the used dealership sells the warranty for $700 less. Is it unwise to get the warranty from the used dealership? I have no experience with buying from a used dealership, and am not sure if there are things I need to be aware of. I know used dealerships tend to be shady and dishonest- Anyone have any recommendations of the warranty from the used dealer is just as good?

Drinking milk/milk products after drinking alcohol?

I know that alcohol curdles milk (which means getting very very sick very very fast). For a reference lets just use my drink of choice: An 11 oz Smirnoff ice w/ 5% alc/vol. After finishing one whole bottle, how long should I wait to drink milk or milk products (more specifically oreo's and milk)?

Can I become an Investment Banker, having just left school ?

Investment banking is a very difficult job to get. You will need to go to a prestigious school for undergrad and grad.

Question about Excalibur?

I will be staying at the Excalibur on Mar 19-23. Can anyone tell me the status on the pool? Also any good info I should know about the Excalibur? Thanks in advance

How is adoption selfish?

I myself have never had any personal experience with adoption so forgive me if I offend any of you but what I'm noticing lately is that a lot of people are becoming anti-adoption. Now in a cirstance where a girl who is willing to sacrifice whatever she needs to in order to parent and give her child a good and stable life, who is bullied and coerced by her family members or adoption agencies into surrendering her child, is not okay in any way, shape, or form. But in a situation where a mother does not want to take care of the child (not can't, won't) how is her giving her child up for adoption selfish? Why should she have to mother the child? Yeah, she should have thought about that before having but in reality contraception fails, and telling people just don't have or don't get pregnant usually doesn't work. I mean either give the child to people that want to have a child and can take care of it and most importantly love the child, or have the birth mother take care of it and possibly give 18 years of hell and lifelong problems? I know some children who were adopted have issues because of their adoption and their birth parents, but I still don't get why its selfish. Why would you want the child to grow up feeling unloved and unwanted? Why "punish" the mother with a child? Punishment is standing in the corner, a kid isn't. A child should be loved and wanted not tortured because of someone else's mistake. Why not give the child to someone that will love it? (And yes I am aware that adoption won't guarantee the child will have a "better" life but at least it has a chance versus being with parents that don't want it. And don't say "every mother loves their child unless she's depressed or something" that's crap. Tell yourself that if you want to but it does happen sadly.)

Why ugly in pics?

i come always ugly in pictures let us say nbot always but many of the time i ome ugly. whats the problem does that mean i am ugly or i just come bad in pictures?

Friday, August 12, 2011

What are the medical criteria for a fighter pilot?

My son have a scar in the upper abdominal area which was as a result of a proceedure done to him to correct a intestenal strangulation during his childhood when he was a 5 month old baby. this scar is about 4-5 inches long . now he is a 19 year old lad. will this have any ill effects for him being able to be considered as a fighter pilot or be pronouced medically unfit or unsuitable for the job?

Why is my water dragon not eating?

Go to a vet immediatly, the #1 sign of parasites/illnesses in reptiles is lack of appetite. Better safe then sorry.

This never occurred to me when buying ammo, but how do I open a spam can properly?

I turned the can upside down (with the lid against the ground), then went parallel to the side of the can with a screwdriver and mallet, with the tip of the screwdriver at a 45-degree angle. This helped create enough separation once I went around the tin to be able to pry the lid off. As the tip of the screwdriver is only going to be driven into the space between the lid and the side of the can, you won't have to worry about it hitting the primers. Instead of going all the way around, I've just pried it to where the metal bent back and ripped a hole open with a pair of pliers before.

Is Roy Hodgson...............?

The worst manager ever to manage Liverpool? Every manager that manage Liverpool won something Rafa won the Champion League...I think since bob paisley

Does this mean Fox is terrorist connected?

Explain to me why liberals finally found a religion they respect after 9/11. You respect Islam. You libs have a lot in common with Muslims. Hate Christianity, hate Israel, hate America and hate Bush.

WILT vs. Today's NBA?

I don't know. I don't think those stats are accurate. I don't think he was ever 300lbs. Nor do i think he could bench 400lbs. Not sure about the vertical. Players were pretty soft back then. Of course they didn't have everything they do today to get bigger & to stay wired for games. I think his #'s would be much more modest if he played today. And would be more of an Alonzo Mourning type when he was in his Prime. If you brought any of the great Centers from the past 20 years & put them in Wilt's time i think they'd dominate & have 50 points 20 Rebounds & 4 Blocked shots pretty regularly. The game really didn't get tough until the 80's. Of course you can't really compare eras. And you never know. So when i look at what they did in the past i don't look at it like well if they were in a different era then, when i eveluate players when ranking them. I usually go by the accolades they achieved durring their time period. But before the 80's it was basicly balerina ball & offense was stressed over defense.

I love my bf but im worried im gna get sik of him coz i like sum1 els already?

you need something new in your relationship, or else you're gonna completely fall for the other guy and make a huge mess out of things. either break up with the bf or stop liking the other guy!

Can anyone help me?

Sorry Man. I think even a talented programmer wouldn't have the Patience to go through all this. You could get lucky though...

Why does the us have an embargo on cuba?

is it because they are communist and have been since 1959? if so, why does the us have relations with china? seems hypocritical to me...

Being paid less than my female counterparts.?

You need to post a resume online somewhere and start looking. Your job does not seem they are going to budge with the wage increase even if you tried. But at least you have a job and can take your time at really looking to see what is available.

How are Jung's ideas of self actualisation and Maslow's theory of seft actualisation similar and dissimilar?

is it only the difference where Maslow describes his set five stages before self actualisation, where as Jung describes self exploration before self actualisation is reached? - also interested in criticisms of choosing to link the two.

Song off of Stand By Me.?

At the beginning of the movie where they're in the treehouse and Vern is trying to tell his story, but Gordy and Chris keep singing "I ran all the way home. Doo wah doo wah doo. Just to say I'm sorry. Sorry, ooh." What song is that?

Healthier alternative to frying in pan?

oven fried coat with egg white and place in crumb mixture and drizzle with oil and bake at 325 for about 30 minutes until browned tastes like fried but much less fat. great for drumsticks should work for most items

How do i get the first magpie for my larson traps pleasae help?

i have tried everything decoys eggs mirrors apples grains and you cant buy the first bird i need to catch to be my call bird

Is this a well-written review?

You say that the book "is narrated by Elizabeth." That's not true. Elizabeth is the main character, but the story is told by an omniscient third-person narrator. (Oddly, you seem to know that the novel is not narrated in the first person, yet you say that Elizabeth is the narrator. There seems to be some confusion there.) You also say that "the novel lacks dramatic emotions." Many readers would dispute that. Characters in the book display a great deal of dramatic emotion.

In your opinion, which of the following MLB records would be the most difficult to break?

I think all can be broken except Nolan Ryan's 7 no-hitters. I just can't see any pitcher ever doing that as short as pitching careers are anymore. I don't even think we will see another 300 game winner after Randy Johnson gets his this year.

Parents: how do you feel about punishing this 17 year old boy?

This is where the law comes in, he will probably be charged with involuntary manslaughter. As for the parents punishing the 17 year old in addition, I don't think they should. They are going to have their hands full with lawyers and court dates - not to mention the funeral for the two year old.

How do I restore my Laptop to factory setting yet keep some files?

You will first have to copy any thing you want to keep to CD or external hard drive. Then use a set of recovery disc made for the lap top and ordered from the manufacturer by model and serial number. This will install new operating system just like came on it.

Runescape Member Question?

buy a cannon and cannon the go do blue drags in the taverly dungeon and you'll probably want a beast of burden. only pick up the bones and don't bury or you'll lose tons of cash. 60 dungonearing helps because it gives you access to the resresource dungeon

Christians, would have this author banned, or maybe even flogged?

Yes, they are desperately trying to ban this film. They are making all sorts of outrageous claims about the film. I guess the Magisterium really does want to control everything. The delicious irony is that in the book the "Church" is terrified of the golden comp.

Is it natural instinct for a man irregardless he is married or single to look at other women?

Is it a natural thing for men? or is it an excuse to ogle? My gal friends dun look at every men but my guys frens always check out almost every women they see on the streets. Comments, plse

Does this sentence contain any grammatical errors for all you grammar cops?

"Another valuable lesson they procured from these experiences was the benefits of print and broadcast media" - should I use 'was' or 'were'? Please explain why I should use one or the other. Thank you very much for your input :)

Can you guess my favorite car by these clues,10 points?

they make it in 2 or 4 door comes w/v-8 or v-6.its rwd.mostly automatics and rare but also 3 speed on the floor mid sized and named after an animal.was made from 70's and still make them.

Hmm,,, how to get revenge on my ex?

U r real cruel and wicked girl .hope that he will never goes back to u and ***** like u shouldnt exist in th first place.If he hv a much better and prettier girl, u should be happyb for him U r such a selfish *****

Orlando Holiday!?

I am going to orlando april 09 and i want to now what are good places to go. I don't mean the really obvious ones like sea world and epcot and magical kingdom cause i already know about them!

Shona or Akiyama for a friend?

why not both? and it wouldnt be so bad being called a mighty sea god, protector of the oceans. and star signs dont really matter.

Where have all the annoying Christmas commercials been this year?

This Christmas doesn't even seem like Christmas without the plethora of commercials being played over and over! I usually complain that there are too many, but now I kind of miss them. How come it's been so quiet?

For orthopedist/quiropractics/ skeleton-doctors: �Should I use air-tennis or ordinary shoes or ?

When we are without a doctor, the very thing you are doing is the right course to determine the best way. Try the shoes you mention and see which give the best results. No backache/foot aches. But some foot aching is probably quite normal after all that hiking. You can soak your feet, or put an orthotic appliance in. I tried that dr scholls food tests in Walmart. They told me what to buy. I can look at that then get the next best thing, since scholls wanted 50$ and I don't have flat feet.

I need guidance on costs for servicing my 2004 Toyota Camry (at a NON-dealership location). I have "coupons"?

Why are you asking us? Why don't you call the shop that issued the coupons what those services cost, then calculate in the coupons? That is what a normal person would do.

My child has ocular migraines and I need help?

My son has been complaining of visual disturbances for quite awhile so 'I took him into the doctor and she said he has ocular migraines. I have migraines with aura but have horrible pain, he has no pain. She said she would refer him to an ophthalmologist but I don't know what to do so if anyone has experience with these please help me with any advice. Thanks

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is the benefits of using casein for lactating sows?

please help me to find out the benefits regarding the queston above..tnx for the kidness and consideration...

GPA question. Please help me figure this out?

It depends on how many credits you've already earned. Take the number of credits you've earned so far, add those credits you earned from that cl (add the full number of credits for an A). Divide the number of cles into that number, that will give you your new GPA (should you earned an A).

What camera lense should I get?

An "all around" lens??? There is simply NO WAY to answer this question. For any common 35MM film camera, such as my Nikon F2, some things are pretty much standard. OK, you have a problem here, with your understanding of what a camera lens actually DOES for you. A lens, ANY lens simply transfers light falling on the front to the back and projects the light onto something behind the lens. A lens is in the simplest form, is nothing more than a piece of curved and polished GL. ANY lens only works well, the best it can, at ONE point in the range if a zoom lens. In effect, you would be better served to buy several fixed lenses over a zoom lens for the same amount of money. Your item #2 is not logical. Image stabilization is a function of the CAMERA electronics NOT the LENS. Manual and auto focus is a function of the CAMERA controls, NOT the LENS. 18MM and under is a "fish-eye" lens, and NO lens will cover the range of 18MM to 70MM for focal length. The best you can do is 2 to 3 times the shortest focal length for the longest focal length. In addition to a number of fixed lenses (12mm [the fish-eye!], 24mm, 32mm, 50mm, 100mm, 135mm, 200mm, 500mm [long telephoto]) I have 3 zoom lenses, 70 to 210, 35 to 135 and 28 to 50. Each covers a different range of what you can do. The 70 to 210 is a medium to long telephoto. The 35 to 135 is a wide angle to medium telephoto, and the 28 to 50 is wide angle to normal. The 12mm fish-eye has a front filter size of 70mm in diameter and it covers about 150 degrees of width in the field of view, and I bought it for a song and dance in Hong Kong at a used camera store. I used it one time, for a series of pictures where I placed the camera on the back, looking up from the bottom of a crater, with a sequence timer to snap pictures every several minutes to take pictures of the people looking down into the depression in the Earth.

Does anyone have the lyrics for Hallo by Tokio Hotel?

There is a song I got called Hallo by Tokio Hotel and it is kind of a slow song with some beautiful singing and its in German and I can't find the lyrics. Can you help me?

Does he like me or not? i'm a little confused here?

Yes! He definitely likes you! It's completely obvious. He hugged you from behind and said hey y, stopped at your cl to see you even if he just stopped and looked at you, teases you in a playful way, blew a kiss at you and talks to you alot, so from all that, it seems that he likes you for sure! If you like him back, talk to him about it. If you're shy, wait for him to mention it or make the first move.

Are services in Mormon temples typically open to "visitors" or people who want to see what it's all about?

Temples are briefly open to visitors. Lay peoples are allowed to walk through the temple before it is consecrated. After that there is a waiting room and you are allowed no further admittance.

Why do people protest the most idiotic things, like for instance KFC Chicken?

I saw a group of protestors at a KFC, wtf? Do people not have lives? It's a frigging chicken people!!! Yeah, like you're going to stop me from eating the Colonel's tasty 11 herbs and spices.

About my Juno?

Hi Devo. Hmmm.....I'll answer this one & thank you for adding me as a contact as well. I would have to think about the first one. Aspects like tiles & Trines are 'harmonious' aspects & that square is a 'stressful' aspect. Juno as to do with how you deal with a relationship or marriage...what you look for. Chiron deals with where you can be a healer or teacher. Juno tile Chiron (I would think) ~ Means that you & the other person help each other & teach one another in a relationship. So the two of you contribute to something & always are behind each other....... I know the others :] Ur influences other planets to act crazy it the sporadic rebellious planet. Juno Trine Ur~ Your partner has to be 'different', but in a good aspect he is not trouble. The person will be independent, clever, and offbeat....even though the two of you will be open & do your own things needing space.......... Mercury rules communication. Juno Trine Mercury~ Whoever you are looking for will not be quiet & reserved when it comes to talking about things....communication has to be key & will play out between you's important...the good aspect makes it visible...........The moon deals with emotions, desire, home, and intuition. Juno Trine Moon~The attraction will be to someone nurturing & traditional. An emotional connection is good between you two & you seek that type of person to give it back.....the aspect is good & it will play out when you find the right person...........Jupiter deals with luck & expansion. Juno square Jupiter~ a bad aspect here...but it can't be all perfect...I guess :\ .......You attract an overly optimistic person who thinks the big picture & easy life will come any may clash with philosophical or religious view on life as well.....exploring or expansion can relate to an affair & one of you may think to go off & be 'open' is never easy, but you know what to avoid & what to look forward to...the majority of this is good though...only one stressful position =) .......But could you see how I put that together? Take what each planet or asteriod stands for and mix it up with the good aspect or the bad see how it plays out for a person.......I hope I helped you out =D

I need ideas on how to non-permanently alter a dress with a train for a formal event where i will be dancing?

I will be attending an event where I will be ballroom dancing. The dress I have purchased has a train and I need to get ideas on how to alter the dress just for the dances, but then have it normal for the rest of the night. I've looked into bustles, but i need more ideas on what would look good.

Do you feel uncomfortable if someone of your own gender makes ual overtures to you on P/S?

I have no problem with people fancying me, what ever the gender, it is always flattering, not that many gay guys have fancied me, not with my boat race, lol

How can i put this in my own words i really need help?

I agree with Rachel. Leave yahoo answers for people who are willing to learn about something, not lazy people who do not want to do their homework.

Do you guys like Grover Washington Jr.?

I've been listening to him for a few weeks now. Before that I knew a few of his songs like Mister Magic and Winelight, but now I'm really into him. I've downloaded 4 of his albums on my playlist: Mister Magic, Live at the Bijou, Paradise, and Winelight.

Why is the broad term of "Christians" given to the Crusaders?

We all know what church orchestrated and promoted and financed the Crusades. Yet all Christians will forever be painted with the same broad brush as cut-throats and savages. As a believer in the finished work of Christ, that he died for my sins and rose again on the 3rd day, I know that I am a Christian. I have no need of anything more than Christ. So why are people like me blamed for the Crusades when it was actually a church of Babylonian paganism, a church of mysticism and idolatry, the Catholic Church, that inflicted its beliefs upon the world.

Can you read and write and speak Arabic?

Well that's interesting that you can read it and write it but don't know what it means. Now you just have to put meaning to all the stuff you already know lol. I'm pretty good at Arabic. I've been studying for about 2 years now. أتمنى لك حظ سعيد!!!!!

The difference between liberal and conservative (at the basic level)?

To me, liberals live in the world of what they'd like it to be and conservatives live in the real world.

Went to the hospital 2weeks ago for a internal scan with bleedin got told i was 5-6weeks gone and was ok?

and they had fount a heartbeat but a week later still bleedin, i had clottin and had pain so went for another internal scan and they said they coundnt find a heartbeat but baby had grown but only a small amount but they said im more then likely 2 misscarraige and told me 2 wait 10 days so im due to go back next week 4 another internal so they can make sure baby is dead but on monday i lost 1 hard mediumish clot and from then on ive not bled is this the misscarriage??

My Iqama Proffesion is Carpainter (Nazzar Aam) can I bring My mother & father on visit visa to KSA? Please rep?

My Iqama Proffesion is Carpainter (Nazzar Aam) can I bring My mother & father on visit visa to KSA? Please reply

I am worried about my crb record because i have been arrested twice for being drunk and disordely?

in 2007 i got arrested twice,i lied to the police of my details and they found out when i got arrested on a second time.i was having a relationship problem because my boyfriend was seeing his ex girl friend,this used to stress me and i used to get drunk every week.unfourtunately i got arrested things are okey with my boyfriend and i stopped drinking but i am worried about my crb check because i would like to chage jobs.i am a carer and i would like to change the nursing home i work in ,i am worried about my record of being drunk .i would appreciate any advice on what to do.

The pyrene company ,great west rd, brentford?

i am looking to find any information on the this company regarding fire extinguishers that were made there and any other information on anyone ho may collect items that we made hear manly very old ones.

What can happen if you leave your ID at home and you give the police officer a false name?

I'm really curious as to what could happen, because my friends always talk about doing it when they get caught jaywalking across the street to the campus, and there's very often a Fullerton police officer waiting at the corner of the campus driveway to stop and cite students that cross over from the apartment complex in the middle of the road when they are supposed to go down to the crosswalk to cross legally. One time my friend was walking with me to campus and we decided to jaywalk, and I was like dude I don't want a ticket, and he was like just say your name is "Brad Thompson" or something like that! What would the officer do if something like that was to happen?

How strong are retarded kids?

Growing up, my uncle used to always say when someone was really stout or strong 'damn I've seen strong, but that man's tard strong!'. I guess retarded people possess superhuman strength when they are mad. Is there any truth to this?

BHAGAVAD HELP Help today Can Some please HELP ME ????

No friggin way. This pisses me off so much. If you seriously can't answer one goddamn thing it's not our fault. Do your homework

Okay so here's the thing i really like this guy?

more than anyother. i'm used to being chased, and not used to the other way around. so this guy came over a couple of weeks ago, i sent him a myspace message to say thanks. we have a long story. anyhow, i don't think he tried to contact me since. he could have but phone was actin up for a couple of days. but anyhow, i have not talked to him since. i really don't think he is the type to feign interest and i think he really did like me. should i just call him even though i contacted him last? he was so sweet when we talked on the phone before he came over last. i think he was nervous and said he had just stopped at a green light. i asked him if he wanted me to let 'im go and he replied very quickly and adamantly, no. but why has he not called or sent me a reply myspace message. i am so used to the guys calling, should i just call him. or no? thanks

Leaked at school??? help me please!?

It obvious that you have to go to school again, if not today then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, you get the point. First off, ignore what others have to think about you. If they ask you, be like, I sat on water, or I sat on something wet. Most likely, they won't even remember, but if they do, say as I said. Make up something about sitting on a wet place or something. Be confident. If you don't act confident then it will show on your face that there was a problem with you. If you remain confident, no one would have the guts to say anything back to you. Just stay strong!!!

I'm a beginner at fishkeeping,and I want to buy a 24-gal nano tank,2 clownfish + anemones & corals. good idea?

a 24-gal nano tank, or something along those lines, along with 2 or 3 clownfish, I was thinking bubble tip anemones, (if any other ones that would work better, please inform me), along with some soft coral, or maybe hard, depending on how compatible they are with the clownfish, and I also wanted to put in a giant clam, maxima clam, along with a starfish, cleaner shrimp, along with a hawaiian feather duster. I also want to put a sand bottom instead of pebbles and such. is this too much for a 24 gal tank? any of these animals unable to live with each other? and what is the difficulty of starting/maintaining such an aquarium?

Am i a bad person to my dog?

i dont think you are a bad person, i have had dogs for over 40 years & i dont ever recall physically touching any of them i have allways believed that you can discipline your dogs by the tone of your voice and your dog will allways forgive and love you for that..

White Flashing Orb and Noise?

I think everyone has seen strange things in that state of half-asleep and half-awake. There is no way to objectively determine if these things are evidence of something paranormal or simply your mind playing tricks on you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Seeing eye guide dogs?

Seeing eye dogs and cop dogs are so well trained it that it can pretty much make somebody who hates dogs love them =D.

She's engaged to her overseas gf but wasn't faithful.?

I met this girl who has a gf who is overseas (she was kicked out of the contry when her visa expired). this girl is attractive although her gf is not attractive at all and very masculine. anyhow we have had a few times and have been friends with benefits, she pursued me pretty heavily and always tells me how hot I am. she also was dating another girl just before me. anyhow her gf from overseas whom she hasn't seem in months proposed to her over the phone and they are engaged now. this girl told me her gf doesn't care what she has done and she knows all about the women she has been sleeping with and still wants to marry her. she has still been calling/texting me to hang out. what is ya'lls take on what is going on?

I want to knoe all the funtion of this sentece with verb adj adv suject noun plus part of speech?

the love we give away is the only love we keep ....can someone please let me knoe the funtions and part of speech

Ramayana - How you find Rama in Ramayana ?

When you take tea will you take water milk Sugar and tea separately? This is the case of Rama These ten characteristics are not contradictory. They are correlated

How is this full-body workout?

Work 2 muscle-groups a session.Chest and triceps,back and biceps,shoulders and forearms.Legs work alone,one session.Its good your days are split,gives your muscles time to grow.Try pyramid training,12 reps,10,8 so on then reduce weight and pyrami back up.Eat around 27-8 grms protein every 3-4 hours.

My guinea-pig is spitting up?

These are the signs of her back teeth over growing. What happens is they grow slanted inward toward the center of the mouth so they actually end up biting their self which is causing the drooling.You need t get her to an EXOTIC vet asap as when they grind down the teeth it makes them a it sore and they tend not to want to eat for a bit, however, guinea pig can not go with out food over just a few hours of their digestive system gets into trouble and it can be fatal, it sounds like she may already having digestive problems form not eating. So Please get her to a vet first thing in the morning, please.

Chicharito in europe the best mexican play at the moment?

Ever since he went to europe he has inspired many players who weren't playing so good like vela, gio, etc and they all want to prove that they are on chicharito level... they ALL want attention sooo now they are starting to do better... what do u think?

List of best fighters outside the UFC?

Joe Riggs is fighting Nick Diaz for the newly introduced Strikeforce welterweight championship. Also, Robbie Lawler and Scott Smith are also pretty good even though they are coming off loses. Ferbricio Werdum is fighting Overeem for the heavyweight championship. You also missed Josh Thompson and Gilbert Melendez

Free/cheap ebooks or iBooks?? ?

You can't legally get the Gallagher girl series or Alex Rider books for free. They are copyrighted. You might check to see if your public library bought ebook rights. Then you can check them out for free. You download them to your ebook and the books disappear after 2 weeks.

Should I choose him as life partner?

I think you're too young and this guy is too old for you. You pionately want to be a doctor? It won't happen if you marry this guy. Have you been accepted to a Med school yet? I say go to school and get your degree and carry out your dreams of becoming a doctor. It doesn't sound like a good match with Mr. Coach. Listen to your parents.

What's wrong with me?

Never give up. Keep searching, keep trying. Everyone has a talent, you just have to search for it, even if it means going through hard times or feeling depressed or even traveling all the time. Practice your guitar, try playing other instruments, do sports, sing, write, do something that can impress people. Once you find your hidden talent you'll feel really good :) Maybe you're good in gymnastics or something? Keep studying. Don't get the impression that people don't like you, try finding things you have in common. I know this girl that used to think I was really weird and stupid but I started talking to her more often and gave her things and I tried to be nice, and now we're pretty good friends. Just don't give up :) I really hope this helps and I'm so sorry

R12 to freeze 12 worth it?

i have a 93 plymouth sundance and the ac still works but not as cold as it used to be. its never been recharged either. so i was wondering if it would be worth it to vacuum out the r12 and replace it with freeze 12? have you had any experience with freeze 12?... i don't want to do a 134a conversion because id have to buy a new dryer and replace the mineral oil with pag oil which involves taking off the compressor... are there any danger to moving to freeze 12 from r12? i know most shops will vacuum out the r12 for cheap since its worth so much but should i do that or just top it off with a can of r12?

University of Waterloo Admission Information Form Problem?

The AIF is not the only thing they look at. A well written and impressive AIF will increase your chances, but it is not the end of the world if you messed up a little on it. Write the math contests and do well in them. Meet and exceed the "required mark" for admission and if your teacher reference says good things about you, I would say you still have a very good chance. Good luck!

What should I feed a Starling fledgling?

I don't know, what do starlings eat. You need to incoporate what they eat into the food. If they eat seed, start putting whole seeds into the food you feed them now, if they eat bugs, crush up meal worms that you get at a pet store to feed him.

How many litres are there in 1m cubed (1m3) of LPG?

a liter is one cubic decimeter. there are 1000 cubic decimeters in a cubic meter. if you have only 10 liters of gas, that is much less than 1 cubic meter, that's only 1/100 of a cubic meter.

Why GOD wants 2 test us either our perfection or the way suffer thru lord leads us to eternal life? Exo:16:4?

It's all a bunch of nonsense. There is no god, no heaven, no hell. You should find your own truth, love your fellow beings, and be at peace knowing that you are meant to be here and everything is OK. If you need a hairy thunderer up in the sky to make sense of this world, then we humble peons of Yahoo! Answers will not be able to help you in this quest.

Who will the Redskins take number 4 overall?

uming the Rams take Bradford #1 who will the Skins draft. I know they are not interested in Shu because they have a $100 million dollar DT and are moving to a 3-4 this year. So who will they go after?? Personally I hope thay take Colt McCoy or Tim Tebow, we need a QB bad!!!

Which is more efficient, CO2 or HPA?

I am new to paintball, and put huge emphasis on air efficiency and the yield I can get from a tank of propellant. I have heard mixed answers about the efficiency of these two gases, so with an equivalent volume of gas, which one will fire more paint? Also, if I use anti-siphon, is CO2 acceptable in electropneumatic markers? And will I always have to hold my gun perfectly upright with an anti-siphon device installed? Thanks!

My landlord removed a robin's nest from our window ledge. The robin laid 4 eggs on the ledge. What can I do?

Can I make a bed of paper towels and move the eggs onto it? Or, will that upset this mother bird..? She can't incubate the eggs because they are too far apart to be sat upon together. She's sitting on one of them...Help!

How Should I Dye My Hair?

you should apply it however you feel most comfortable.. make sure you get your hair saturated though !


well first of all they are the minority so what seems like "alot" actually isnt, were out beating them because you are the majority (white). And furthor more, certain areas have higher crime rates due to poverty, you cant help where you were raised and people are taught to do crime.. and many of those people get involved in gangs because they want "protection" for there family so that if someone robs them or hurts them they can get back at them with numbers.. sad but true. I was fortunate enough to grow up pretty well off, my mother who is from germany didnt always have it easy here as they were immigrants and started from nothing. I believe everyone has a choice and you can either choose to go down the wrong path or the right path.. some people mess it so bad in there childhood that by youth there distroyed, they have no future and ruiend it by crimes and robbiery. black white, yellow purple brown.. if you were raised in poverty your chances of commiting a crime gets higher.. unfortunatly with minortities that is the case and because they are the minority they dont have much of a majority within there races to show the good.

What can i humanely hunt/kill with a daisy 880 powerline and what pellets should i use.?

You can't humanly hunt anything. Maybe a rabid raccoon or dog to put it out of it's misery. But I would suggest you use something a little more powerful.

Put boric acid out, but now im seeing a TON more roaches?

I put Boric acid everywhere in my house last night, and all day today, ive seen TONS of them. Walking about? What the hell?? I know ive got a roach infestation, but never have I seen THIS many!!! Is this normal? I want to get RID of them, not draw more in!!! :(

How can I have a lip piercing at work?

I had a lip piercing before and they had NO problem with it then one day I came in and they had me take it out and my hole got to small and I had to keep re stretching it 4 times a week and it got infected I tried spacers but the never really worked so I was wondering if there is another way BTW I work at arby's so and advice would be nice and no I can't get a new job I already worked here a year and Im 15 so jobs are hard to find at my age.

Two family members in the hospital and that not even the biggest problem...?

There are six kids in my family. The oldest is 26 and the youngest is 17. We are not one big happy family. To start off the problems, our dad is so lazy that it is unbearable. He leaves food laying out, doesn't pick up after himself at all, eats ridiculous amounts which adds to his already horrible obesity, pes all the work onto us kids. He also shows 0 emotion about everything. My mom is not about to let someone disrespect her. Three of the six kids are highly disrespectful and there is heavy tension around my mom with them. She absorbs everyones problems and cares too much about them. Now onto each kid; the oldest is very short tempered and often the conflict creater; the next has anger problems for sure and adhd; the next is the calmest of us all and helps mediate mom through these problems; i am the fourth, i feel like i am doing everything to help relieve the pressure; the next sits in her room because she hates the stress of the family and has trouble having a good time with friends; and the last is a true piece of work, he is very disrepsectfuly to both mom and dad and all the other kids and he only is nice when he wants something such as using the car or carryout dinner. This is really separating the family and we don't know where to turn now. Currently the second sibling is suffering an injury in the hospital and all the stress and emotion has caused our mom to enter an anxiety center. I don't know what i can do. It is really taking a toll on everyone. Can anyone out there help at all?!

Is it safe to buy a car that's been in an accident, but driven for YEARS afterward?

Ask the owner if he/she still has a record of the estimate or summary of what was done at the bodyshop. With newer cars, even a small fender bender can damage the outside skin pretty bad and leave the frame intact. The disablement could've just been a blown tire or the person did not feel safe driving it home (or the lights were busted). Ask if the warranty on the body work may still be valid. Should be okay if the same owner that crashed it, kept it afterwards.

Vegetarian no carb diet?

Is this possible? I am trying to find ways to replace meat in this diet I am on. Please don't tell me how bad a no carb diet is. I have been making tofu sauteed in some spices and a tsp of olive oil, veggie burgers plain, and was eating tuna but now I can't stand the taste of tuna. I just want to know if there is anything else out there or any good recipes with tempeh or tofu that anyone knows that is no carb or very very close to no carbs.

If you were the Scotland manager what team would you pick?

Mc Greggor and Whitaker cost Scotland the 4 nations cup when they bottled it against the great Robbie Keanne. I'm just glad Bellamy and Bale wern't playing when they met Wales otherwise they would have been joint 3rd with the Belfast Paddys

I'm 26 and haven't had a girlfriend since I was 19?

WTF. I'm funny, smart, good-looking. I just don't know how to talk to women or where to meet them. Also, despite my first sentence, i'm quite insecure. That could be a huge problem obv. Anyone have any advice for mwah?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baby Guinea Pig Question?

Pups are also the term for mouse and rat babies. It could be that with a guinea pig being a rodent, they stuck to the term for guinea pig babies.

I have been receiving from messages about I won the amount of $2,000.000.00 dolla

it supose there is a lottery with mail addresses and mine wone and he said I need send him personal information as my pport for ex. can you verify by me if it is true his name is van gogh and has de and his address mail is thanks in advance

Is there any yahoo lottery promotion for 2007?

Looks good doesn't it?Do you believe it?No neither do i,its a scam isn't it?Bin it,forget it,your not rich.

Can someone tell me where can i get a psn code generator for free?

without having to sign in or do surveys i really want one plase tell me i can't buy one i sav my money

FIRST Tattoo! The Beatles. I want something original. Help?

What you choose is important...and you will choose well, because you are researching. I speak from experience: WHERE you put the tattoo is more important than what it is. I strongly suggest that if this your first tattoo, put it somewhere that only you and loved ones see it in the mornings as you head to the shower.....whatever that might be.

Obama=Bush Part 2= Cheney's cousin How is this change?

Well the fact that so many Republicans are so voiciferous about how evil Obama is, I cannot help but be favorably impressed by him.

What are the conjugations for these Spanish words?

It depends in what tense do you want them. Go to this website: Here you can type in the word and it will conjugate it in any tense.

Is this a good way to ask this girl out?

There is this really hot girl who sits next to me in one of my cles, and she flirts with me alot (ie she sometimes tries to play footsie under my desk, etc.). Anyway, I offered to help her study for a test recently. She smiled and after finding out how long I prepared my notes to study, she politely declined and said she would just study on her own (I already knew she didnt study much, but I figured that I wanted to offer her help so she got a good grade). Anyway, she later started asking me questions about myself and so forth. At any rate, I feel good about my chances with her, and am thinking about asking her to hang out in a cafe. Should I ask her if she likes coffee and then tell her that I would like to buy her coffee sometime? Or does that sound weak, like I am being submissive to her?

Do you think the Queen & her lot ask a blessing for the food before they eat it r is she above asking blessing

I've always wondered about the spiritual side of the so called royality family what make them royal.Ive studied history that the queen hired privateers to plunder the spanish ships laden with gold they had gotten from the indians in south america.Until that time the queen was just a hoollum like many others & the royal family obtained their rorality status by roughing up the citizenery much like is done at many sports events.There is an ole say"you can steal & become rich and after it has had a few generations it becomes respectable".Do you think the royal family had anything to do with princeness Diana's death?

What can I do, now I am feeling my own son is a impossable?

I feel very tire now, my son is 18 years old, he had been gave me many many trouble, and I had been very patient to him. He sometimes very reasonable and agreeable, sometimes he was very emotional and I totally don't understand him

I have low Pressure to kitchen sink and bathroom sinks, good in other places?

I am rehabbing a townhouse. I get good pressure from places that don't go through the hot water tank. In the kitchen and bathrooms the pressure is low. I put in a new hot water tank thinking that would help (it was rusted too) and the problems persisted. Is their a hidden reducer that needs to be adjusted. All the piping is copper. Any suggestions.

Which community college is best to apply to nearby los angeles if my major is anesthesiolgoy?

i live in burbank, ca and my career goal is to become an anesthesiologist and to become one, i need to find the right community college to start from. which community college near burbank within a 30 mile radius has a good reputation for their medical studies and would be the best one for me to apply to? so far ive registered at pierce and pasadena but what other schools would be in my best interest?

Any Animes that have the Relationship Between Akira and Tadashi from Special A?

I'm making a manga for the Anime Festival in Jacob's Center, and I need more inspiration. I want to make a manga that has the relationship between Akira and Tadashi from Special A. I'm sure there are animes like that. No I'm not looking for a violent- comedic relationship like Naruto and Sakura, but Sousuke and Chidori from Full Metal Panic! is kind of what I'm looking for. Anyone think they can help me out?

Does anyone have any leads on a briggs&stratton 12 hp,cast iron engine for a 3112 simplicity lawn tractor?

I have an older tractor 1960s to 1968 model looking for a good cast iron engine,horizontal shaft, or a piston and carburetor for the same. thank you larry

Do you love/dislike those people who dont cover their mouths while coughing?

Do you believe their should be more stricter enforced laws on people who have and are infected already with a contagious cold/flu .....should they be penalized and forced to pay a hefty fine for not staying indoors and in bed where they belong so that they dont further infect other innocent bystanders. Many times I have been put out of action and FORCED TO TAKE TIME OFF WORK and subsquently lost several thousand dollars in wages from my job because i was infected with a bad flu from other work colleagues or customers that i have to deal with and who were reportedly coughing like mad around me. Its unfair that I lose 2 weeks wages due to these "FLU CARRIERS"....

What hairstyle should i do?

well isnt what you are wearing kinda tomboyish??.. im sure it would be even more fun to dress up in like a flowery bright/flouresent dress with NO leggings and heals.. and paint your nails pink and everything.. give it all youve got.. its time to have fun and go crazy honey!! woohooo!

What are some fun crafts or games to do with your girlfriend?

Me and my girlfriend love to play games like the licence plate game and other and we do crafts like making random things like lanyards. what are some other fun things we could do?

Blank Mind help??????????

It seems like i cant think and my mind is blank, and i always have these randoms pains in my legs. What could be wrong? Im a 15 year old male.

What colour curtains with neutral colours??

I know you have all probably answered this question a million times....but I would like to know what colour curtains (and accents) to put in my living room to brighten the room. The walls are a medium taupe, the couches brown leather, an accent wall in a sage green, carpet is a lighter beige and the window has brown venetians on them. The coffee table and end table are gl with a steel grey bottom. Everything is so drab in there I need something to brighten it up!! I don't really like oranges or mauves or light I was thinking about white. Do you think this would work?

Where can i buy Ammonium dichromate and Sulfur by Wadsworth, Ohio?

I need this for a Cinder Cone volcano project. i need 20 grams of Ammonium Dichromate and 5 grams of Sulfur. What will be the estimated cost of these?

Where is the closest aviary to Newmarket Ontario?

I am interested in purchasing a handfeed Peach Faced Lovebird, and i would like to know where the closest place to get one is.

Help to emble multimedia pc.?

i want to buy a new pc for myself to aid in my college projects. it will involve runnin softwares like maya, 3d max, avid, nuendo and other such audio, video and graphics softwares. i need an appropriate pc. im not sure which processor to go in for.although i've heard intel coreduo 2 is brilliant, its a tad bit expensive. then im not sure which motherboard to go in for? asus or intel itself? heard asus has more slots but no sevice backup. thne comes the graphics much will a 1gb geforce card cost? is it feasible or is a 512mb geforce enough? hard disk= seagate, maxtor or samsung? and is 160gb version error free. askin that coz i heard certain capacity drives give errors. then bout RAM... transcend 2 gb?ok? also wonderin which lcd to go for? dont want a high end flashy lookin one. it should be cost effective plus should have good colour variations. plz... if there's somebody who's got good knowledge bout these technicalities.... plz do help me out. thanks

How do I restore and old wrought iron patio furniture set.?

I've recently purchased an old wrought iron patio set and would like to restore it to a new-looking black finish.

Where can I hear the songs from the Hindi film 'Ek Chadar Maili Si'?

Why don't you try Then click on the left margin saying Hindi and then click music listing and the letter 'E'.

Whats this site is doing ? what type of scan or test are they doing ? thanks?

way to go harry. i am sure he wanted to here your life story LOL. btw that site is just loading test.

How do I submit a ual story into penthouse?

On my last vacation I slept with a beautiful native girl from Bora Bora. She was WAY out of my league and I feel I have a responsiblity to share this experience with the average guy.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Advice on VENTILATOR-bound COPD patient PLEASE????

it is possible to eat after a tracheotomy, there are many factors that will effect this, things like how well the patient is awake, sometimes nurses give meds that make a patient sleepy/sedated the patient will be evaluated most likely by a speech therapist, who can see with a simple food dye if the patient is swallowing and not risking it getting into their lungs. which could cause problems.the trach willl have a special cap for when they eat. the tube if placed sounds like it would be temporarily. which isnt uncommon , patients need nutrition in order to heal. Hope this helps

Would you rather live among Jain extremists or Christian 'extremists'?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Marijuana drug testing?

The company will drug test whether you're a good kid or not and DO NOT admit to it. That being said, marijuana is detectable in your system for about a month; however, THC (the chemical that gets you high) stays in fat cells. If you have little fat and work out frequently, then drink a LOT of water and urinate often. If you are persistent, it could be out of your system in as little as ten days, aka detox. Best of luck.

Feeding my cat? need some advice here?

Ok so i have had my cat for 3years, she is 4 now, i have feed her All dry food, until about a 2 month ago, when i found out that they needed wet food to keep hydrated, now i don't need any rude comments, i have had cats all my life, and NO ONE, not even my vets when i asked said they Had to have wet food. Anyway now i feed her a full Can of wet food every other day, with about an 1/8 of a cup of dry under neath for her teeth. the days that i don't feed wet food she is free feed dry food, but never really eats more than a 1/2 cup IF that! I need to know if this is enough wet food for her, feeding her less than a can in a sitting is not really an option i have an boyfriend that won't allow it to be put in the frig. so anyway, is this enough wet food, is it enough dry food? i'm kinda lost here!

OMG All my TWHs canter and gallop. WHYYYYY?

People are crazy. I've owned four 100% purebred tennessee walkers and they call all canter and gallop. It is kind of different than quarters and thoroughbreds, but they certainly can do it. We allow ours to run if they want to, it doesn't "mess up their gaits" at all. I used to own a show horse, we raced him with neighborhood horses. He always won and STILL acted perfect at shows and he had the smoothest rack EVER. Hope I helped! :D

Training my horse to have a slower lope?

I was wondering if anyone had some tips on slowing my 7 year old Buckskin Quarter Horse mare's lope down. We ride western and sometimes I can get her slowed down when she's really tired out but most of the time she thinks it's a race. Please help!

Is Reality is an illusion?

Reality is infinite in all directions... You can go further and further and further and further and beyond and always keep going and beyond space there will be more space, etc. (bigger and further). You can go within and find smaller realms, and smaller realms, and smaller realms, deeper and deeper within (dark matter, electrons, atoms, etc.). ALL IS CONNECTED. Even though there are multiple dimensions, they are all connected into the ALL-DIMENSION. Perception is limited to the perception of one's self, but one is of the all-dimension. WE ONLY PERCEIVE OURSELVES AS LIMITED AND DIVIDED, BUT TRUTH IS WE ARE WELL-COMPOSED AND WE ARE FREE.

Newspaper archives?

im looking for a newspaper article that was in a recent nypost edition, it was about eliot spitzer and was in the july 29, 2007 issue. im having a lot of trouble finding it, does anyone have any idea where it might be, or where i might be able to find it? thanks!

Why is the first news story on ITN news?

Money. Tiger Woods is the best paid athlete in the world, an american and a celebrity, hence more important to the media than the boy who was killed. I think Tiger Woods is as meaningless today as before.

Who did what on the new Saturn Vue?

I'm so confused. I heard it's Daewoo/Opel/Saturn.. then I heard only Opel.. the Saturn dealer said alll Saturn.

Why is my shower running extremely hot water at the end of showering?

After a 10 minute shower the water runs too hot to stay in the shower. I would expect it to run cold if anything (ie having used all the hot water in the tank) but this shower (Mira) seems to get scalding hot after a while. I'm confused. I need to solve this problem. Any ideas?

What should i get him for christmas???..10points to best answer!! :)?

what should i get my boyfriend for christmas. weve been dating for maybe a month now and i want to get him something nice. he like marianas trench so i was thinking of getting him theyre CD and he likes starburst so i was gonna give him a bunch of those to lol but im not sure what else!? please help 10 points to best answer! :)

Is President Obama improving our foreign relations?

Sure his is improving how a lot of countries feel about us. He went on an apologizing tour where he bowed to dictators and world leaders. I am sure in private he knelt and kissed the feet of world leaders to show he was a useless, spineless American. I am sure that the terrorist's love BHO much more than they did Bush who they knew would take them out.

Help please...I'm going through a really hard time?

Yesterday was my last day at work in a job I loved, saying bye to colleagues I really like. I knew it was coming as the business is having a hard time. Then I had to attend the funeral of a friend's father later on in the day and last night I was looking forward to a date with a guy I met a couple of weeks ago. In fact we had really hit it off and had been out about 6 times. Guess what? He ended the date with 'Can't we be friends? He just wanted to be alone'. I feel so dejected. I came home, luckily saw a friend online started chatting to him and he has invited me for a drink this evening and for dinner with his friends. I'm wondering why I'm having such a hard time. Any advice please?

Find snow man that lof a rund hira roun stelee missouri por woith marik usaand dror havi big wimin or bigok.?

i wut a man that kan hold me win i nid to tok to and to lisn to and snuglow up to win we sat a run a fir and win he call to sing to me and he hastow be mauk to and lik wut i lik to as i dow hem and i dow for me and i kand dow for him and wut me as i wut hem and gow to movis to and dinors dow out on dant will and funi and rill saxei///////////////////////////////////…

How will you SURVIVE the economy?

Your hearts in the right place, but you are relying too much on book knowledge and not working on actually developing the skills. You should be gardening now. Even if it is a window sill garden, the information on lighting, water requirements, mites, disease, etc. will teach you volumes more than a book will. Firearms training and skinning and butchering your own meat is a necessity. These are tactile skill sets that can't be learned from a book o audio/video program. As for Canada or Mexico, why so hasty to abandon your support systems and ecology. Do you really think it will be easier in a foreign land with less biodiversity and less investment in your personal safety? Choose a spot you are really familiar with and learn first hand what the edibles are and what they really taste like, when they are in season, etc. as well as the animals, their habits, trails, runs, day beds, seasonal movements, and where to best hunt and snare them. In short, by reading about something, you only put the material in a small part of your brain responsible for memorization. By actually doing something and learning from your mistakes and experiences, you are able to anticipate problems in the future and initiate an action to avoid a situation. These abilities are not available to folks who rely soley on book training or videos. Go out there and practice your skill sets. Attitude, awareness, shelter, water, fire, and food, are the big topic areas of training to work on. In each there are subsets such as navigation, communication, first aid. Devise a training plan and make it real. Get cold, learn how you react to adversity in a controlled situation, journal your results, and make adjustments for the next experience. Try making a fire using only one match. Record your mistakes so you can learn from them and evolve. Finally, avoid cotton clothing like jeans. Stick to the three layering system (Wicking, insulation, shell) and default to wool as a primary survival clothing fabric. The goal is to stay dry and comfortably cool.

How does a girl get that "something about her"?

I've noticed, through the plethora of Rate Me/Am I Pretty/etc pictures on here, that most of the girls who post pictures have nice features. However, some of the girls have that "something about her" that makes her really pretty, while others (even though they have nice features) look kind of plain. I think I fit into the category of having nice features but still looking plain. How can I get that "something about me" that makes me look pretty? What is that "something", exactly?

Bleeding brake fluid. Not working! New master cylinder (bench bled) Two man brake bleeding not working?

OK so i bought a new master cylinder, bench bled it. installed it, topped off the fluid reservoir, left the cap open. Had someone pump and hold the brakes while i let the air purge out of the lines. We went on for about 10 minutes and still no fluid was coming out of the line. (I started with the line furthest from master cylinder(right rear).) The brake pedal wont build pressure, its spongy all the way to the bottom no matter how many times i pump.It is a 1986 Mercedes with abs. I don't know if the abs has anything to do with it. Help please anything!