Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Help to emble multimedia pc.?

i want to buy a new pc for myself to aid in my college projects. it will involve runnin softwares like maya, 3d max, avid, nuendo and other such audio, video and graphics softwares. i need an appropriate pc. im not sure which processor to go in for.although i've heard intel coreduo 2 is brilliant, its a tad bit expensive. then im not sure which motherboard to go in for? asus or intel itself? heard asus has more slots but no sevice backup. thne comes the graphics card.how much will a 1gb geforce card cost? is it feasible or is a 512mb geforce enough? hard disk= seagate, maxtor or samsung? and is 160gb version error free. askin that coz i heard certain capacity drives give errors. then bout RAM... transcend 2 gb?ok? also wonderin which lcd to go for? dont want a high end flashy lookin one. it should be cost effective plus should have good colour variations. plz... if there's somebody who's got good knowledge bout these technicalities.... plz do help me out. thanks

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