Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm a beginner at fishkeeping,and I want to buy a 24-gal nano tank,2 clownfish + anemones & corals. good idea?

a 24-gal nano tank, or something along those lines, along with 2 or 3 clownfish, I was thinking bubble tip anemones, (if any other ones that would work better, please inform me), along with some soft coral, or maybe hard, depending on how compatible they are with the clownfish, and I also wanted to put in a giant clam, maxima clam, along with a starfish, cleaner shrimp, along with a hawaiian feather duster. I also want to put a sand bottom instead of pebbles and such. is this too much for a 24 gal tank? any of these animals unable to live with each other? and what is the difficulty of starting/maintaining such an aquarium?

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