Wednesday, August 10, 2011


well first of all they are the minority so what seems like "alot" actually isnt, were out beating them because you are the majority (white). And furthor more, certain areas have higher crime rates due to poverty, you cant help where you were raised and people are taught to do crime.. and many of those people get involved in gangs because they want "protection" for there family so that if someone robs them or hurts them they can get back at them with numbers.. sad but true. I was fortunate enough to grow up pretty well off, my mother who is from germany didnt always have it easy here as they were immigrants and started from nothing. I believe everyone has a choice and you can either choose to go down the wrong path or the right path.. some people mess it so bad in there childhood that by youth there distroyed, they have no future and ruiend it by crimes and robbiery. black white, yellow purple brown.. if you were raised in poverty your chances of commiting a crime gets higher.. unfortunatly with minortities that is the case and because they are the minority they dont have much of a majority within there races to show the good.

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